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The Roleplaying Guidelines Commission is an organization consisting of various crew leaders and monarchs who come together in equal political standing to govern the art of roleplaying within the Rockstar gaming community. This organization has but only one goal – to universalize roleplaying within the Rockstar gaming community, more specifically – Grand Theft Auto. To universalize roleplaying, there must be one set of generally accepted rules and guidelines that must be followed by every sect of roleplaying organizations to provide an environment which consists of more immersion, a storyline with greater depth, and a swift curve upwards in the development of your character.


The Roleplaying Guidelines Commission is a leaderless organization because one person should not be the ultimate decider in how your crew should roleplay – in fact, your crew should have a word in the rules as well. In order for an amendment to be made within the Roleplaying Guidelines Commission, there must be a majority vote for said amendment to be passed. The amendment must first be introduced to all members of the Roleplaying Guidelines Commission – the amendment must be able to be documented, which means you must have a digital word-processed copy of the amendment so we can give credibility and also add it to our amendments section of the Roleplaying Guidelines document. There will be disagreements within the Roleplaying Guidelines Commission, but that is why there is a majority vote that must be passed in order to make a change in policy.

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